Mountain Foothills Rotary - Club Meeting
Doing business locally helps stimulate the economy all the while fostering a stronger small business climate. Our business directory has over 575 members and is accessible by category or name search to assist you with all your needs.

Date and Time
Wednesday Jul 24, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM MDT
Wednesday Evenings
6:00 PM - Social (optional)
6:30 PM to 7:30 PM - Club Meeting
7:45 PM - Dinner (optional)
We meet at:
Mount Vernon Canyon Club
24933 Club House Circle
Golden, CO 80401
No cost for guests of the club!
Contact Information
(720) 655-1946
Send Email

Interested in Rotary? Join Mountain Foothills Rotary for one of our meetings to get to know us, Rotary and experience a guests speaker. ALL are welcome!
The Things We Think, Say and Do...
We Fundraise
Our fundraising helps Evergreen Parks & Recreation District’s – INSPIRE Special Needs Program, Evergreen Christian Outreach Services, Mountain Area Imagination Library in Colorado, Rotary’s Wildfire Readiness, Crutches 4 Africa, and the Global Polio Eradication Initiative to name a few.
We Volunteer
Mountain Foothills Rotarians pick up trash, we sell Ice Melt tickets, we load medical equipment for Crutches 4 Africa into shipping containers, we educate our community by holding a get to know the Sheriff Candidates Evening, we increase children’s vocabularies by donating dictionaries to local schools, and we even drive golf carts during the Andy Smith Sr. Golf Tournament to ensure donors are not stranded.
We Are Social
Our Club meets once a week, but we don’t have an attendance requirement. Our Club meetings are held at summer concerts, we meet at restaurants to support local businesses, we have been known to play games at meetings, we invite everyone to join us at the bar or for dinner before and after our meeting at 6:30PM on Wednesdays. Having fun whenever and wherever we get together is the backbone of our Club.
We Network
Mountain Foothills Rotarians are insurance agents, lawyers, teachers, administrative assistants, brownie makers, business leaders, realtors, accountants, along with a few retired people in the Evergreen community. We have no political affiliation, the age range of our members is between early 30’s to mid 80’s, we are comprised of an equal number of women to men, we respect everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and we welcome everyone with a different race, creed, or background. Our goal is to cast a wide web of inclusion as best as possible.
We Are Involved
When it comes to needs in our community we step in where there is a void. It’s not all about fundraising or volunteering in the traditional way. We help other non-profits by stuffing envelopes, we make phone calls on their behalf, we stand in the cold with signs, we are ushers at events, we give financially of ourselves if we can, and most importantly we give of ourselves to make a difference in our community however we can.