4th of July Freedom Run 5K - All Proceeds Benefit Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice
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Date and Time
Tuesday Jul 4, 2023
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM MDT
July 4, 2023 at 8:00 a.m.
Evergreen Middle School, 2059 Hiwan Drive, Evergreen, Colorado 80439
Please visit www.freedomrunrace.org for more information.
Contact Information
Betsy Hays
Send Email

Celebrate with us at our 41st annual Freedom Run 5K benefiting Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice in Evergreen.
Whether you walk, run, stroll, or cheer from the sidelines, the Freedom Run is a great way to kick off your Fourth of July.
The scenic 5-kilometer (3.1 miles) course follows gently rolling terrain through residential areas, beginning at Evergreen Middle School at 8:00 a.m.
All proceeds go to Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice which provides home health care, palliative care, hospice, bereavement assistance, Camp Comfort for children who have lost a loved one, as well as emotional and spiritual needs assistance across our mountain community.