4th of July Bike Parade
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Date and Time
Thursday Jul 4, 2024
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM MDT
Thursday, July 4th
11:00am Check-In
11:45am Best Decorated Ride & Best Dressed Judging
12:00pm Parade Start
Buchanan Ponds Bike Path
32003 Ellingwood Trail
Evergreen, CO 80439
$10/ Registration. Each person in the parade is required to register. $30/Registration for a Family of 3 or more.
Contact Information
Courtney Thorud
Send Email
Get your bikes, strollers, wagons and scooters ready to put on a show!
Join us as we kick off our Foothills 4th Celebration with a Bike Parade around Buchanan Ponds.
Dress up and decorate your bike to compete for the Best Decorated Ride & Best Dressed Award.
Evergreen Rescue will be checking helmets + safety for riders and helping us judge the contest!
All Bike Parade Registrations include entry to the main event on Buchanan Ball Fields.
$10/ Registration. Each person in the parade is required to register.
$30/Registration for a Family of 3 or more.
No motorized bicycles, scooters, etc allowed.