Willy Wonka Jr. Theatre Camp
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Date and Time
Monday Jun 3, 2024 Sunday Jun 30, 2024
Auditions: June 3rd
Rehearsals: June 3rd-June 30th
K-4th- 9:30am- 11:00am
4th-8th- 11:30am- 2:30pm
Show Dates: June 28th, 29th, and 30th, 2024
Cost: $400 (Morning Group) and $600 (Afternoon Group)
Contact Information
Amy Fletcher (Artistic Director)
Send Email
Wiily Wonka Jr. Theatre Summer Camp!
Open to Grades K-8th
Grades K-4th (Morning)
Grades 4th-8th (Afternoons)
Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka JR. follows enigmatic candy manufacturer Willy Wonka as he stages a contest by hiding golden tickets in five of his scrumptious candy bars. Whomever comes up with these tickets will win a free tour of the Wonka factory, as well as a lifetime supply of candy. Four of the five winning children are insufferable brats, but the fifth is a likeable young lad named Charlie Bucket, who takes the tour in the company of his equally amiable grandfather. The children must learn to follow Mr. Wonka's rules in the factory — or suffer the consequences.
Directed and Choreographed By: Marisa VerSteegh
Music Directed By: Kelly Bidstrup Graham