Rodeo Parade After Party - Drew Dvorchak Band
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Date and Time
Saturday Jun 15, 2024
12:30 PM - 6:00 PM MDT
Contact Information
Megan Mitchell
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Drew Dvorchak is a blues-rock singer, songwriter, and guitarist who resides in Evergreen, CO. Born in the Chicagoland area, Dvorchak has since made a splash in Denver and Minneapolis. Currently, he tours the Rocky Mountain region with his band, the Drew Dvorchak Band, who can be frequently found at some of Colorado’s most well-known music venues.
“Cactus Jack’s” is a really fun funky blues song that revolves around a local bar in my hometown of Evergreen called Cactus Jack’s. “Running Through My Mind” is the third song on the EP. This song is all about dating in your twenties and how sometimes the thing you want the most isn’t available and it will drive you insane. The chorus is practically a joke about the girl who is happily taken or needs time. It’s kind of like “oh yeah, well even if you have a boyfriend, I bet you’re exhausted from running through my mind nonstop. And you know what? Keep on running!”