MRC Holiday Party With Kinder shop
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Date and Time
Friday Dec 8, 2023
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM MST
Friday, December 8th 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Mountain Resource Center Resale Store – 10875 US Hwy 285, Conifer, CO 80433
Free for MRC clients.
Sign up and become a client today:
Contact Information
Mountain Resource Center - (303) 838-7552
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Children who are clients of MRC can have fun selecting gifts for family & friends, at no cost, while their families enjoy cookies & hot cocoa. They can explore a wide selection of jewelry, books, accessories & clothing – there’s something for everyone. Join us for a day of joy & warm holiday spirit, at the MRC Resale Store. Children can even share their wishes with Santa himself!
Please RSVP by scanning the QR code, or visit: