Mountain Resource Center - Pet Pantry
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Date and Time
Wednesday Dec 6, 2023
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM MST
Wednesday, December 6th 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM.
Mountain Resource Center - 11030 Kitty Dr, Conifer, CO 80433
No fees / Admission
Contact Information
Mountain Resource Center - (303) 816-9255
Send Email
The Colorado Pet Pantry hosts a mini pet food bank in the lower parking lot of Mountain Resource Center on the 1st Wednesday of every month from 1:00pm-3:00pm. Clients of the Colorado Pet Pantry can receive pet food every other month with the goal of supplementing up to 50% of their pet food needs, depending on available supplies. Because this service is outdoors, the schedule is subject to change due to weather.
To learn more about the Colorado Pet Pantry, visit: