Monthly Chamber Mixer - Conifer Ranch
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Date and Time
Thursday May 11, 2023
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM MDT
Thursday, May 11
5:00PM - 7:00PM
Conifer Ranch
12414 US Highway 285
Conifer, CO 80433
Monthly Chamber Mixer - Conifer Ranch
Welcome to the Conifer Ranch, where guests come to stay and play.
Owned by Greg Wambolt and Kim Thomas, the Conifer Ranch is 275 acres of true Colorado history that have been updated to include a mix of both old and new.
Located just minutes away from downtown Denver, several ski resorts, and the world-famous Red Rocks Amphitheater, the Conifer Ranch is the perfect setting for corporate events, weddings, and retreats or even just for a relaxing getaway to reboot and rejuvenate. The ranch is home to two available venues along with guest accommodations where you can breathe in the mountain air, spot native wildlife, and take in the spectacular views of both Pikes Peak and Sleeping Ute.