Jewish High Holidays 5785
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Date and Time
Wednesday Oct 2, 2024 Saturday Oct 12, 2024
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Wednesday, October 2
6PM Erev Rosh Hashanah Outdoor Celebration.
7:30PM Erev Rosh Hashanah Service.
Rosh Hashanah
Thursday, October 3
9AM Rosh Hashanah Outdoor Meditation.
10AM Rosh Hashanah Morning Service.
4PM Rosh Hashanah Family Service.
Erev Yom Kippur
Friday, October 11
6PM Kol Nidre Outdoor Gathering.
7:30PM Kol Nidre Service.
Yom Kippur
Saturday, October 12
9AM Yom Kippur Outdoor Meditation.
10AM Yom Kippur Morning Service.
12:30PM Yom Kippur Contemplative Hike
3PM Yom Kippur Torah Study - Jonah
4PM Yom Kippur Family Service
5PM Yom Kippur Outdoor Healing Service
5:30PM Yizkor, Ne'ilah & Shofar Blowing
Congregation Beth Evergreen, 2981 Bergen Peak Drive, Evergreen, CO 80439
CBE does not charge to participate, but we do urge those who are able to invest in the future of CBE so we can continue to provide services and connection to families near and far.
Contact Information
Elizabeth, 303-670-4294
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The High Holidays bring a fresh start to a new year, a time for celebration and contemplation. This year, we are holding a variety of online and in-person services.