Is your home making you sick? Does your home performance cost too much? How do you prioritize & pay for deferred maintenance & improvements? Join our free monthly 4th Mon. 4:30-6p Home Health & Energy Performance workshop to learn money saving solutions
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Date and Time
Monday Feb 24, 2025
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM MST
Monthly, every 4th Monday 4:30p-6p starting Monday Jan. 27th, 2025.
Chillax Om Anti-Aging Acupuncture and Natural Skin Care Clinic located at 29029 Upper Bear Creek Rd., Ste 301, Evergreen, CO 80439 across from Evergreen Lake. Free parking at Lakepoint Center.
This is a free Workshop event. Please note there is limited space for 12 participants so please call or text 303-520-1943 or visit to RSVP.
Contact Information
: Harlow (Chip) Reseburg, 303-520-1943, Email, HarlowRESEBURG@GMAIL.COM, website
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Learn how to lower utility & maintenance costs while raising resale value & making your home healthier. Stop spending too much & unknowingly letting your home and lifestyle make you sick. Get cost effective, nontoxic solutions every month at our free Home Health and & Energy Performance workshops on 4th Mondays 4:30p-6p at Chillax Om Anti-Aging Acupuncture Clinic across from Evergreen Lake located at 29029 Upper Bear Creek Rd., Ste 301, Evergreen, CO 80439. Visit to learn more & RSVP. Please note there is limited space for 12 participants so please call or text 303-520-1943 or visit to RSVP.