Foothill Flyers - Live Music
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Date and Time
Saturday Jun 8, 2024
2:00 PM - 6:00 PM MDT
Contact Information
Megan Mitchell
Send Email
They are an Amerigrass soul-folk blues music group hailing from the Rocky Mountains, formed in 2023.
The Foothill Flyers are an Americana Folky blues music collective hailing from the Rocky Mountains, formed in 2023. Our group is composed of a rotating cast of musicians with Chris Muhs (vocals/guitar,misc.), Patrick McMillan (vocals/bass/misc.), and Andrew Breimeyer (vocals/guitar/mandolin) at its core. "Inspired by the natural beauty and ruggedness of the Rockies, the Foothill Flyers’ music is a blend of traditional Americana, rootsy folk, bluesy rock, and jammy improvisation. Weaving together a range of musical genres, creating a sound that is unique to their own.