Evergreen Jazz Festival
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Date and Time
Friday Jul 28, 2023
12:00 PM - 10:00 PM MDT
Friday, July 28, Noon-10:00pm
Saturday, July 29, 9:45am-10pm
Sunday, July 30, 9:45am-6:15pm
Evergreen Elks Lodge
27972 Iris Dr.
Evergreen, CO 80439
Multiple Venues:
Evergreen Elks Lodge
Evergreen Lake House
Evergreen Christian Church
Discount Tickets through 6/30
3 day badge $115
Sessions $30/$65/$75/$100
Contact Information
For tickets or information:
Call Bette Anne at 303-697-5467
Send Email

Landmark 20th Anniversary Evergreen Jazz Festival
The Evergreen Jazz Festival is an annual, three-day celebration of traditional jazz, America's unique art form. The Festival features 11 world-class bands from across the country presenting some 75 hours of live Dixieland, blues, boogie-woogie, swing and ragtime. Dancers welcome! Four intimate venues in a beautiful mountain setting make for a wonderful rapport between musicians and audience. One national columnist called it "...the best jazz festival anywhere!"
For updates check our website, www.evergreenjazz.org, as well as Facebook. Sign up for our newsletter at evergreenjazz@comcast.net.
After Midnight
Dalton Ridenhour Trio
Poudre River Irregulars
Big Little Ragtime Band
Carl Sonny Leyland Trio
Holland Coots Jazz Quintet
James Dapogny Chicago Jazz Band
Capt. John Royen’s New Orleans Rhythm
Queen City Jazz Band with Wende Harston