Downtown Evergreen Sips & Chocolate
Doing business locally helps stimulate the economy all the while fostering a stronger small business climate. Our business directory has over 575 members and is accessible by category or name search to assist you with all your needs.
Date and Time
Saturday Feb 10, 2024
Feb. 10th from 5-8pm
Downtown Evergreen
Contact Information
Larae Evans
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Make your way to Downtown Evergreen on Saturday, Feb. 10th from 5-8pm for a delectable chocolate tour while strolling downtown. Participating businesses downtown will be open late on this special evening and showering you with a variety of chocolate goodies and some yummy sips. This is a great way to start your Valentine's date night or spend a Galentine's night out with your friends. Plus, it's a wonderful time to fit in some last minute Valentine's shopping in our boutiques and galleries.
Participating businesses:
Cactus Jacks
Crystal Garden
EAPL - Thrift Store
Evergreen Clothing & Merchantile
Evergreen Crafters
Go Paint!
Highland Haven
Marmalade Jewelry
Owl Cat Shoppe
Shadow Mountain Gallery
Silver Arrow
Sisters & Co.
Stoneheart Gallery
The Evergreen Gallery
Wildflower Realty
Wild Rabbit Boutique