CAE WORKSHOP: Art of Cheesemaking with Janet Schaus
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Date and Time
Thursday Sep 26, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM MDT
Thursday, September 26th
31880 Rocky Village Drive
Evergreen, CO 80439
$75 per student

WORKSHOP: Art of Cheesemaking
Level: ALL
Instructor: Janet Schaus
September 26th
6 -8 pm
$75 per student (this includes all supplies and 2 drinks)
Burrata & Mozzarella Making Class
Join us for this hands-on cheesemaking class. You will learn how to make mozzarella and its delicious cousin, burrata. Two professional cheese mongers will share their years of expertise and experience in a fun, interactive setting. You will learn basic cheesemaking knowledge, as well as a brief history of this cheese and how to make it from fresh milk in the centuries-old, traditional Italian way. You will have an opportunity to taste the whey, curd, and finished cheese used in the demonstration. Each participant will hand-stretch a ball of mozzarella and a burrata to take home. We will share recipes and the knowledge to make these amazing cheeses in your own kitchen. Learn the proper way to make these milky fresh cheeses that we all love.
What’s included:
- All supplies provided.
- Instruction by 2 professional cheese mongers
- Recipes for mozzarella, burrata, and ricotta
- 1 lb. of fresh cheese
- 2 glasses of wine or beer
- Wear apron or clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty!
- We provide set-up and clean-up.