Bloodkin - Live Music Creekside
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Date and Time
Sunday Aug 11, 2024
12:30 PM - 6:00 PM MDT
Sunday, August 11 from 12:30 - 6:00pm
Contact Information
Megan Mitchell
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Daniel Hutchens and Eric Carter met each other when they were eight years old. After high school, they started getting serious about their blossoming songwriting partnership. The road eventually led them to Athens, GA, which soon came to be a permanent home. They continued to concentrate on their songwriting, and by the early 90's they had a catalogue of over 300 compositions. By this time Hutchens and Carter had given their musical collaboration a "band name": Bloodkin.
The Show must go on! Returning the stage creekside at Cactus Jack's is Eric Carter and crew featuring new and old songs. We always want to pay tribute to the late Danny Hutchens and his brilliance as an artist.Opening band starts at 12:30 pm. Bloodkin will start at 2:30 pm.