Valentine Seevers & Associates, PC
Doing business locally helps stimulate the economy all the while fostering a stronger small business climate. Our business directory has over 575 members and is accessible by category or name search to assist you with all your needs.

Accounting,Bookkeeping & Taxes
Generally in the office M-F 8-5. Also by appointment.
Driving Directions:
South on 74 through downtown Evergreen. 1st Left onto Meadow Drive. 400 yds on left brown building. 28000 Meadow Suite 104
About Us
Valentine Seevers and Associates, PC - Certified Public Accountants is a small, highly experienced accounting firm located in Evergreen Colorado nestled in the foothills of the beautiful Rocky Mountains.
We have served Evergreen longer than any other CPA firm for over 50 years! Our founder, Bill Valentine, was a founding member of the Evergreen Chamber of Commerce in the 1960s.
Our's is the largest firm in Evergreen with 4 CPAs that serve over 800 clients annually.
We conduct financial statement audits, reviews and compilations in Colorado.
We prepare tax returns and provide tax consulting services for our individual and business clients which are located all across the country and in some cases abroad in foreign countries.
We outsource the payroll function for many clients all at less cost than our competition ADP or Paychex.
We provide accounting services, sometimes outsourcing the entire accounting function, for clients all across the country.
We specialize in consulting with clients on the life-cycle of their businesses, including establishing initial business plans, improving operations, and developing tax-efficient and profitable exit strategies. We can help clients in any phase of their business.
We provide consultation in conjunction usually with local attorneys on estate planning strategies to tax-efficiently transfer assets from one generation to the next.
Our firm is committed to nothing less than providing the most excellent client service available anywhere in the country to all of our clients every time you call on us.
- Highly experienced CPA's
- Oldest firm in Evergreen
- Concerned with keeping business local
- Accounting specialties
- Payroll services at lower cost than ADP or Paychex