Chillax Om Anti Aging Acupuncture and Natural Skin Care
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AcupunctureSelf-Care Brochure
Fri. 3p-6p, Sat. 10a-6p, Sun. 1p-5p.
Driving Directions:
At Lakepoint Center across from Evergreen Lake, Entrance is next door to Willow Creek Restaurant to the right. Take elevator to 3rd floor, Suite 301. Parking is Free.
About Us
Be beautiful from the inside out naturally with Chillax Om Anti-Aging Acupuncture, Natural Skin Care & Lifestyle Design. Dr. Andrea helps you destress, recharge, stop aging & pain to be your best.
Rep/Contact Info
View Personal Bio
Dr. Andrea Renee Rivera
DACM, LAc., Owner, President
- Phone: (310) 461-7494
- Cell Phone: (310) 461-7494
- Send an Email
- 29029 Upper Bear Creek Rd. Suite 301 Evergreen CO 80439