Tuesday Mar 4, 2025
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM MST
The Wild Game
Create a living and long-lasting table arrangement with your choice of succulents. Sedum & Sage will provide Barnwood Boxes, variety of succulents, supplies including our “toppings bar”, and tips & tricks to plant a delightful growing arrangement for gifting or keeping! Beverage of you choice is included with your registration. Select your size! Register athttps://sedumandsage.com/2025-plant-parties/p/terrarium-medium-d7r2z-ng97h
Printed courtesy of www.evergreenchamber.org – Contact the Evergreen Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
1524 Belford Ct., Evergreen, CO 80439 – (303) 674-3412 – noreply@evergreenchamber.org